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Clean Code 3. 함수 함수의 목적 or 종류 행위 : man.setName("Tom") 변환 : age = man.getAge() 상태 : if(man.isGirl()) 함수의 추상화 레벨 함수 내부의 추상화 레벨을 일치시킬것. public void CreateTestPage() { IncludeSetups(); IncludeTestPageContent(); IncludeTeardowns(); } public void IncludeSetups() { if(this.IsSuite()) { IncludeSuiteSetup(); } IncludeRegularSetup(); } public void IncludeSuiteSetup() { var parentPage = FindParentSuitePage(); // add ..
RPGLE CODE STYLE GUIDE https://www.nicklitten.com/rpg-ile-coding-style-standards-for-ibm-i-iseries-and-as400-programmers/ RPG Programming Standards - Code Style Guide for IBM i, iSeries and AS400 Programmers - Nick Litten is IBM-i, AS400 iSeries RPG RPG Programming Standards? “RPG Programming Standards” have been debated since the invention of the wheel. With an entire generation of RPG programmers evolving from the e..
Thymeleaf https://velog.io/@max9106/Thymeleaf-자주-사용하는-문법 불러오는 중입니다...
Cheat - Typescript 변수선언 : Var (일반), Let (블럭범위), Const (상수선언) var 일반적인 변수선언, let 선언된 블럭범위안에서만 사용가능, const 상수선언 자료형 : Var Type //Number let _num :number = 10.345; _num.toFixed(2); // "10.35" _num.valueOf(); // 10.345 _num.toString(); // "10.345" _num.toPrecision(2); //"10" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //String let _str:string = "Typescript"; _str.charAt(1); ..
엑셀 VBA https://trumpexcel.com/excel-vba/ Online Excel VBA Tips & Tutorials (Resource Guides + Videos) Want to learn Excel VBA? You're at the right place. Here you'll find a collection of useful VBA tips and tutorials that will help you understand the concepts and VBA and how to use these to automate your work in Excel. trumpexcel.com
C# Excel Library NPIO https://github.com/tonyqus/npoi/blob/master/examples/xssf/ApplyFontInXlsx/Program.cs tonyqus/npoi a .NET library that can read/write Office formats without Microsoft Office installed. No COM+, no interop. - tonyqus/npoi github.com
Flask, django - Python web framework https://flask-docs-kr.readthedocs.io/ko/latest/index.html Flask의 세계에 오신것을 환영합니다. — Flask 0.11-dev documentation © Copyright 2012, Armin Ronacher. flask-docs-kr.readthedocs.io https://flask-restplus.readthedocs.io/en/stable/scaling.html Scaling your project — Flask-RESTPlus 0.13.0 documentation Scaling your project This page covers building a slightly more complex Flask-RESTPlus app that will cov..
REST API https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP_f5dMoHFc